What are persimmons? Learn all about Persimmons, from how to pick out persimmons, how to cook them, how to store them, plus persimmon recipes!
What are persimmons?
Persimmons are red-orange edible fruit (berry) that grows from a variety of trees in the genus Diospyros. There are several persimmon varieties, but the ones you will find in the US are usually fuyu or hachiya. They can be found at your local Asian markets, Whole Foods, Sprouts, and sometimes other grocery stores.
When are persimmons in season?
Persimmons are in season from October through January and sometimes as late as February.
How to ripen persimmons
You’ll need to let Hachiya persimmons ripen on the counter for a few days until they are extremely soft. We store the hachiya persimmon upside down until ripe.
Hachiya persimmons should be soft, like a soft tomato or a squishy tomato. They are oblong and acorn-shaped.
Fuyu persimmons, on the other hand, do not need to be soft to be enjoyed. They are squat and rounded in shape.
The reason is hachiya persimmons are extremely astringent and not enjoyable until they’re soft and ripe.
How to eat persimmons
Persimmon skin is edible, but we prefer to peel them. To eat them, you just need to remove the leafy stem and the harder part right under it.
Then you can slice the Fuyu Persimmons and enjoy. With the Hachiya Persimmons, we like to cut them in half width-wise and then enjoy them with a spoon.
You can even make them into a delicious persimmon jam.
Why does my mouth feel weird after eating persimmons?
Unless you have an allergy to persimmons, Hachiya persimmons actually contain proanthocyanidins, also commonly known as tannins. This makes the unripe fruit extremely astringent. As the fruit ripens, it becomes less astringent.
How long does it take to grow persimmons?
After a persimmon tree is planted, it takes about 7 years to bear fruit. American persimmon trees take 10 years or even more.
How to store persimmons
Hachiya persimmons should be kept on the counter until they are ripe. Fruyus can also be stored in a cool, dry area. If you’d like to refrigerate, ensure the Hachiya is ripe first.
How to pick persimmons?
No matter the variety, you want a persimmon that is bright orange and almost red. It should be plump and heavy for its size. The skin should have no cracks or bruises and should be smooth and glossy.
If you plan to eat the Persimmons right away or within the next day or so, get a ripe persimmon. Otherwise, you’ll want to buy an unripe persimmon as it takes a few days to ripen.
Can you freeze persimmons?
Yes, you can freeze persimmons but ensure they are ripe before freezing.
How to Freeze persimmons
First, ensure that the persimmon is ripe. Then chop up the persimmon as desired or scoop the persimmon puree and place it into a freezer-safe container. You can store it for up to 6 months.
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